
Wrapping Up 2019

I’ve decided I should probably be wrapping up my 2019 drawings and at least get on with the new decade for you all! I feel like there was a pretty drastic change somewhere around December for me. I had taken a couple of weeks off drawing while I was in Hawaii. Once I returned, I felt I had unlocked a new “level” with my art. It peaked on New Years Eve, which was when I created perhaps my favorite drawing of the last decade (listed at the end).

Before we get into that, I wanted to share one more zodiac sign drawing before moving on. As I mentioned in my last post, I had drawn 3x sets for each zodiac sign. The one below was one of my favorites, and I chose to color it in with marker instead of digitally.


I think the zodiac sign challenge was a turning point in me being able to draw faces in profile. I always had a really hard time between the nose and the chin, but I drew so many profiles during that phase that I think I was able to grasp it better.

drawing of a woman with separated limbs, leaves and vines sprouting from where she was dismembered
severed woman

I love this one. She sort of reminds me of the artist FKA Twigs for some reason. This drawing in tandem with the others from my first post created a space for me to feel a lot more comfortable exploring dismemberment and separation of limbs. That sounds strange, I guess, but it’s such a common theme of my work – plants, skeletons, nude bodies, fragmented and/or distorted limbs. I guess I should have put a disclaimer that a lot of my work is of naked people. Whoops!

drawing of a near-nude woman in heels looking at the viewer - she has vines wrapped around her body and an arrow through her head

Even now – almost nine months later, I still really love this piece. I can see areas that are far from perfect, but I’m also able to see that I was starting to understand the human body. To be honest, I think the face on this drawing is maybe among the better faces I’ve drawn. Go, 2019 Steven! Clearly, I was still being influenced by my zodiac drawings. Notice the arrow through her head. And please, please don’t forget the Louboutin heels she’s got on!

a drawing of a woman with her back to the viewer, strange discs running along her spine and limbs
limb discs

I remember being quite happy about this drawing as well! I think my sense of perspective was still a little warped (and hey, still is at times). Note her left leg. I think technically with the pose she was in, the foot should have been a little higher up.

drawing of a limbless woman with rockets coming out of the stumps
rocket stumps

Looking at this image now, I’m realizing I love the mint color as a choice for shading – I haven’t done that in a while! Cooler colors really complement skin tones, so I think the mint in combination with her skin tone works really well here. I also am very happy with her face – although, not her nose so much. Watch out for those nostrils!

drawing of a woman with blue hair meditating, clothed in only latex gloves and a garter belt
clothed in only latex gloves and a garter

I can’t forget to include this one! I received a lot of likes when I posted this on facebook. One thing that’s important about this piece is that it opens up the doors to me using dots as a background element. You might have noticed that I typically keep my backgrounds white. Maybe a lack of background seems like a cop-out to some, but for me, I really want the sole focus to be on the portraits. Everything else is white noise, to me. That said, in this image I bring back a cluster of dots, which is something that in 2020 I have in almost all of my drawings. I want it to be a sort of signature for my work – but maybe that will change in time.

drawing of a plant woman - instead of limbs or a head, she has the lips of a pitcher plant, with bones sticking out, surrounded by plants
pitcher plant lady

I love carnivorous plants! I also would like to point out the very lovely movement in the falling leaves. At the time, I was studiously looking into Draw a Box, which is an incredible resource for aspiring artists. At some point, I have to finish it. Anyway – there is a passage on ribbons, leaves, and plants and that absolutely helped solidify an understanding of the “movement” of plants for me.

drawing of a woman with her ribs exposed, plant leaves surrounding her body

I was so, so proud of this drawing at the time. I still like it, but not as much as at the time. I remember showing it to one of my closest friends and we had a laugh about how happy she looks to not have a body. My friend joked (from the perspective of the drawing), “Getting rid of my torso has done wonders for my body image,” which had me laughing so hard I started crying. She proceeded to say, “What’s there to hate if there’s nothing at all?”

a drawing of a woman with a mourning hat on her head, vines tangled around her neck and dropping past her torso
a woman in mourning

This is another one I was really proud of. I loved her hair, I loved the mourning veil, I loved how the portrait highlighted her bust and omitted the rest of her body. Looking at it now, her eyes are a little odd, and her lips are outlined quite strangely. I have this really weird, lazy habit of not properly aligning the nose and lips. If you take a look, you’ll see her lips are quite off center compared to the rest of her face.

a drawing of a woman with an arrow through her head, plants surrounding her, and bones coming out of her limbs
final drawing of 2019

All of these drawings culminated towards this last one, which is still perhaps the drawing I love the most. It is my phone’s background wallpaper. I love seeing it every day, and I think it did a great job of wrapping up 2019. I drew it on New Years Eve, and I wanted it to represent all the various themes I had explored throughout the year. Those themes include plants, bones, lips, zodiac signs, and pink hair! Yes, some of those themes have carried into 2020, but I think I’ve introduced some interesting new elements to my work this year, as well. I hope you enjoy it, too!

For more of my work, check out my last post or my instagram.