Australia, Travel

Whiteman Park, Drag Bingo, and Comedy Shows

Hi, everyone!

Unfortunately, this week’s post won’t be quite as interesting as last week’s trip to Kalbarri but it’s gotta be a balance, right? I stuck pretty close to the city this week, with a hike around Whiteman Park, a fun night at Drag Bingo, and another fun night seeing a comedy show.

Whiteman Park

On one of my days off, I went with my coworker/friend Jono to explore Whiteman Park. It’s about a half hour drive outside of the city. Whiteman Park was on my list of things to see around here. It’s adjacent to Caversham Wildlife Park which houses a bunch of critters. I haven’t yet been to Caversham. Up until writing this, I thought Caversham was more of a zoo, but it looks like they do a lot of conservation efforts and such, too so I may check it out.

Whiteman Park itself has a large area for kids – a playground, some lolly (candy) shops, an old train that runs through the park.

There are also some trails to hike, which is what I wanted to do. It was a really pretty area, with some spots where there were large groupings of trees and a creek.

Whiteman Park

Along the way, we saw a number of kangaroos which is always a treat. I was surprised by how many there were in such a small area. We saw maybe fifteen?

Kangaroos at Whiteman Park

It’s funny how with kangaroos, you can go a long time without seeing them, and then suddenly you see a whole bunch of them. Most of the time, I’m in the city and they’re not really around here. Although, you don’t have to travel far to potentially see them.

Magpies Swooping sign

It’s also officially magpie swooping season, and these signs get posted up all over hahaha.

Trees at Whiteman Park

Whiteman Park was really lovely!

Drag Bingo

Later that night, I went with Kory and some friends to go to drag bingo at Connection’s Nightclub. Kory works there and the club does fun events like that pretty regularly.

The drag queens hosting the event were definitely funny and it had been so long since I played bingo, so it was a treat. As a kid, my family had a summer home in Wisconsin and we used to play bingo quite frequently over at the community center near our place. Fond memories!

Connections Nightclub

I’ve mentioned it before, but Connections Nightclub is a really cool venue. There are lots of rooms and an outdoor patio. I probably should have clicked some more pictures, but alas.

We stayed for a little while after bingo and hung out. Our friend Brendon and I danced briefly but I wasn’t feeling the music which is a shame because I love to dance… when the music is good haha. Next time.

There was also a drag show going on and at one point one of the queens performed Immaterial by Sophie. This song is very near and dear to my heart. As I’ve mentioned before, leaving Chicago and my loved ones was very hard. On my final day with my besties Joey and Rob, we were driving into the city where we would be saying goodbye and Joey played this song. Emotional as I was at the time, I started crying and we had a very tender moment together, reflecting on our friendship and the time we’d spent together. To hear the song at a drag show in Perth (not a well-known song at all, mind you), had me literally screaming with joy.

Mums Gone Wild Comedy Show

The following night, Kory and I went to see his friend Simone perform. She is a comedian who travels all over Australia regularly. I’ve only met her twice now, but she’s a very lovely and funny person. It was cool to see her perform with her group Mums Gone Wild. I’m always in awe of people who have become successful doing what they love.

If you feel so inclined, check out Simone’s Instagram. She is super funny!


Car park = parking lot
Same same but different = pretty much the same thing
Wetties = wet suits (for snorkeling/diving)
Hen’s night = bachelorette party
Bespoke = basically couture
Sunnies = sunglasses
Sheila = girl
GP = general practitioner / doctor

This past week has gone by in a blink, honestly. I feel like I had just gotten back from Kalbarri, and now it’s a week later! I’ve been working a lot, so I haven’t had too much time for exploration… but I still was doing fun things!

My birthday is coming up and I requested off work. I’m hoping the weather is good and that I can go to Rottnest Island to snorkel and see the quokkas! My bday is still 11 days away, so we’ll see.

I don’t have too much planned the following week. On Wednesday, I’m getting lunch with my friend Liam and then going to dinner with a group of friends, but otherwise nothing else going on at the moment. I may try to do a morning hike since most of my work shifts aren’t until late afternoon. We’ll see.

OH – and I also beat Zelda: Breath of the Wild which was an AMAZING game.

Sending you all my love!

Blooming flower

Art of the Week

“Too Heavy”