
Volcanoes, Coastline, and Deserts: June 3rd to June 12th, 2021

Hi, everyone! This week’s share includes volcanoes, coastline, and deserts. I think by this point of the landscape series, I was really starting to get a groove for how I wanted to represent the landscapes – something I had been worried about when starting off. While it was rocky at first, I think by this week I had started to make it a fun experience, and bring landscapes to life with my own style without feeling boring. Not that landscapes are inherently boring – I just mean for me, I’ve always found drawing them kind of boring.

My favorites from the week are “Volcano,” “Whale Day, Always,” “Somewhere in the Paddy Fields,” and “The Wave.” I know “Whale Day, Always” is kind of cheating since it’s a whale and not really a landscape but I was like… “It’s the ocean!” haha. “Volcano” feels very child-like and fun to me. I like the layout and the stacking of “Somewhere in the Paddy Fields,” and with “The Wave” – it was fun to illustrate those wavy/hypnotizing lines.

What are your favorites? Let me know!

Message me on Instagram or contact me through the site – I just want to hear from y’all. Be sure to check out last week’s post if you haven’t already.

WIP illustration of a volcano
“Volcano” / WIP
color illustration of a volcano
“Volcano” / color
WIP illustration of the cliffs of moher
“The Cliffs” / WIP
color illustration of the cliffs of moher
“The Cliffs” / color
WIP illustration of faroe islands
“Faroe” / WIP
color illustration of faroe islands
“Faroe” / color
WIP illustration of a whale breaching
“Whale Day, Always” / WIP
color illustration of a whale breaching
“Whale Day, Always” / color
WIP illustration of paddy fields
“Somewhere in the Paddy Fields” / WIP
color illustration of paddy fields
“Somewhere in the Paddy Fields” / color
WIP drawing of cacti
“Multi-Cactus” / WIP
color drawing of cacti
“Multi-Cactus” / color
WIP illustration of hawaii coastline
“Back in Hawaii” / WIP
color illustration of hawaii coastline
“Back in Hawaii” / color
WIP illustration of some hot springs
“Hot Springed” / WIP
color illustration of some hot springs
“Hot Springed” / color
WIP illustration of the wave in arizona
“The Wave” / WIP
color illustration of the wave in arizona
“The Wave” / color

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