
More and More Vines: September 10th to September 16th, 2021

Hey, fam! This week we’ve got more and more vines. Vines, forever. I know, I know… probably gets redundant at this point, but I can’t help it. I love combining humans and nature – and if I said that one awful scene in Evil Dead didn’t leave a lasting impact I would be lying. Haha. In all honesty, I do love nature and I love drawing humans, so I am often combining them. That said, I try to explore the subject matter in different ways, but I’m sure sometimes it’s like “AGAIN?”

I like that vines can be constricting, or they can appear ornamental, or like bondage rope. I like to associate vines/roots with growth and as I’ve mentioned before, sunflowers are a big part of my story (which is kind of a weird thing to say, but true), and so I am often referencing them in some way or another.

My favorite from this week is “Relax – It Will Be Okay”. When I finished drawing that piece, I was like “wow – this might be the best I’ve ever drawn somebody’s anatomy.” It just feels like a REALLY solid piece, to me. I also like “Oh Yeah, I’ll Be Your Little Bellhop Girl,” and “You Shot Me Down”. I think with this week’s share, we’re starting to get into the next phase of my art, which involves multiple limbs. I had explored it before somewhat, but I start to kick it into gear and fashion a series out of it… kind of. We’ll see. Stay tuned.

What are your faves from the week? Let me know! Message me on Instagram or contact me through the site. Check out last week’s post if you haven’t already.

WIP illustration of a crouching person with vines wrapping around their body
“Can You Believe That?” / WIP
color illustration of a crouching person with vines wrapping around their body
“Can You Believe That?” / color
WIP illustration of a bellhop girl
“Oh Yeah, I’ll Be Your Little Bellhop Girl” / WIP
color illustration of a bellhop girl
“Oh Yeah, I’ll Be Your Little Bellhop Girl” / color
WIP illustration of a person leaning on one left, sunflower growing from their skull
“Spin the Wheel, Baby” / WIP
color illustration of a person leaning on one left, sunflower growing from their skull
“Spin the Wheel, Baby” / color
WIP illustration of a seated person looking out
“Relax – It Will Be Okay” / WIP
color illustration of a seated person looking out
“Relax – It Will Be Okay” / color
WIP illustration of a person with multiple limbs
“Who Really Cares, Anyway?” / WIP
color illustration of a person with multiple limbs
“Who Really Cares, Anyway?” / color
WIP illustration of a person pointing gun fingers
“You Shot Me Down” / WIP
color illustration of a person pointing gun fingers
“You Shot Me Down” / color