Oceania, Travel

Roy’s Peak

Hey, everyone!  What a chock-full week this has been!  Lots going on, and never a dull moment.  Except for the times where I took naps whenever I could haha.  While hiking up Roy’s Peak was a major highlight of the week, I think Abby’s farewell doings take the cake.  Read on! Roy’s Peak Over the… Read More Roy’s Peak

Oceania, Travel

A Visit to Coronet Peak

Hi, everyone! Last week was a good one. Birthday parties, charity fundraisers, and a trip up to the summit of a mountain with friends. Read on! Juanito’s Birthday Juanito had a birthday party on Monday night. After work, Jasper and I got ready and drove over to his place. Similarly to our recent staff party… Read More A Visit to Coronet Peak