Oceania, Travel

The Catlins

Hey, everyone! This week has gone by in the blink of an eye. The week was capitalized by a weekend trip with my dear friends Jasper and Yvonne to The Catlins. It was our first and, unfortunately, last (for now!) overnight trip together but we had such a good time. Lots of adventures to be… Read More The Catlins

Oceania, Travel

Roy’s Peak

Hey, everyone!  What a chock-full week this has been!  Lots going on, and never a dull moment.  Except for the times where I took naps whenever I could haha.  While hiking up Roy’s Peak was a major highlight of the week, I think Abby’s farewell doings take the cake.  Read on! Roy’s Peak Over the… Read More Roy’s Peak

Oceania, Travel

A Visit to Coronet Peak

Hi, everyone! Last week was a good one. Birthday parties, charity fundraisers, and a trip up to the summit of a mountain with friends. Read on! Juanito’s Birthday Juanito had a birthday party on Monday night. After work, Jasper and I got ready and drove over to his place. Similarly to our recent staff party… Read More A Visit to Coronet Peak

Oceania, Travel

Queenstown Cowboys

Hey, everyone! While I didn’t really do much exploring the past week, it was certainly quite eventful. From birthdays to work parties to movie nights and dinners with friends… it’s been busy! Winter Staff Party The main event that everyone at the hostel/work was excited for was our work party. It’s not guaranteed, but typically… Read More Queenstown Cowboys