
Stripping Flesh – March 25th to March 30th

This week’s share is all about stripping flesh – drawings from March 25th to March 30th. I hope you enjoy!

black & white drawing of a crouching man whose skin is unraveling and chunks missing
stripped down, b&w

This is a favorite of mine! It reminds me of some wannabe Picasso or Dali – very distorted and bizarre. I wish I was as talented! One day.

color drawing of a crouching man whose skin is unraveling and chunks missing
stripped down, color

In color. Instead of doing my regular “bubbles,” I decided to fleck the background with skin grafts, instead. Did it work?

black & white drawing of a woman with bits of her body looking more like a venus fly trap than body parts
divided, b&w

When venus fly traps take over our bodies, am I right? One thing I really enjoy about distorting body features is that you can get away with a lot. If the eyes aren’t perfectly lined up, that’s okay, because they’re separated by the face ripping in two!

color drawing of a woman with bits of her body looking more like a venus fly trap than body parts
divided, color

Once again – yellows, pinks, greens. My favorite colors to use. I believe I mentioned in my last post, but when coloring my drawings, I’m often using a similar color palette as I would if I were drawing flowers. Sunflowers happen to be my favorite, so yellows and greens are quite frequent throughout my work.

black & white drawing of a woman whose skull is exposed, revealing a flower growing
nurture growth, b&w

Speaking of sunflowers! Here’s a little baby growing out of her skull! I think this was one of the first drawings where I drew freckles on somebody. Freckles are so cute!

color drawing of a woman whose skull is exposed, revealing a flower growing
nurture growth, color

I’m not sure what’s going on with her skirt, but… Actually, all of the clothing choices in this drawing are questionable. She’s got tube socks, cleaning gloves, a weird mesh-green skirt?? Also, you might have noticed the black arm band/thigh band. I don’t know what it is, but I love to accessorize my drawings with them!

black & white drawing of a woman's bust, her arm turning into a skin ribbon, and the top half of her head separated from the bottom half
she’s unraveling, b&w

Another fave. She’s unraveling! I think stretching out the skin in these sort of ribbons help me to understand 3D form a little bit more.

color drawing of a woman's bust, her arm turning into a skin ribbon, and the top half of her head separated from the bottom half
she’s unraveling, color

In color! She’s beautiful.

black & white drawing of a woman with her arms over her head, different parts of her face separating into flowing ribbons
falling to pieces, b&w

Like last week’s shares, I had big ideas but not enough follow through. I wish this had turned out a little better, because it could have looked pretty neat. Maybe I’ll recreate it one day.

color drawing of a woman with her arms over her head, different parts of her face separating into flowing ribbons
falling to pieces, color

Still a cool piece, I hope? Just don’t look too closely haha. Also, the bubbles on the background are really throwing me for a loop. Keep in mind, it’s currently September of 2020 for me, and I think I’ve gotten a lot better at drawing my background bubbles! So it’s strange for me to look back and see them looking so pattern-y and not terribly thought out.

black & white drawing of a man with a strangely triangular shaped head flogging himself
flog, b&w

It’s strange to me how a drawing of a man with a weird triangular-shaped distorted head can turn out strangely… erotic?

color drawing of a man with a strangely triangular shaped head flogging himself
flog, color

The skin is so pink. I think at this point in time I desperately needed to get some new flesh-colored markers.

That’s it for this week’s share! I hope you’ve enjoyed.

I try to post once a week, for all you new readers. Do I even have any readers? If so, shoot me a message here or DM me on instagram. Same applies if interested in a piece!