
Spikes, Amputations, and Monsters: Drawings from February 26th – March 3rd

Heyo! I hope you’ve all had a great week. It’s super hot in Chicago, but I’ve been keeping myself cool in my air-conditioned room. Phew! Oh, to one day have the privilege of central air. Anyway – this week, we’re going to look at drawings with spikes, amputations, and monsters! This is back in late February and early March, so I started to expand on some ideas I had been exploring previously. Let’s take a look, shall we?

black and white drawing of a nude woman laying down
arisen, b&w

This one’s a simple warmup. Strange body contortions have always been hard for me to draw – primarily because I don’t draw them enough! I’m trying to get more comfortable with things that intimidate me.

color drawing of a nude woman laying down
arisen, color

The colors on this drawing… are not working for me. I think the blue hue is cool, but with the red top and the misplaced features on her face, I’m giving this drawing a hard PASS! Sorry about it.

a black and white drawing of what looks like a half-woman, half-mannequin with lips and fangs instead of a regular face
fanged, b&w

I still love, love, love this one. I think I need to explore it some more – strange, half-mannequin, half monsters? And we all know I love a good lip lady.

color drawing of what looks like a half-woman, half-mannequin with lips and fangs instead of a regular face
fanged, color

I had run out of my typical skin-colored markers around this time and started to use more pink and yellow colors. In this case, I think it worked well. I know this drawing is far from perfect, but I have a lot of love for it. I need to explore the mannequin-stands some more, I think it’s such an interesting idea.

a black and white drawing of a nude woman with spikes for arms and legs
assumed royalty, b&w

This one was just me messing around, really. Let’s put some spikes here, and here, and HERE! I do like her crown – the banding and color scheme reminds me of Gucci for some reason.

color drawing of a nude woman with spikes for arms and legs
assumed royalty, color

Mint as a shading color is IN, am I right? No, I don’t know. I think had I used a pink or a better flesh-tone color to complement the mint shading, it would have brought a lot more dimension to the piece. But alas…

a black and white drawing of a half angel, half demon
half angel, half demon, b&w

I think this one was just a wash. Like I’ve mentioned before – I draw every day. Sometimes I’m not in the mood, and I just want to get it done. This is a product of one of those times. The important thing is for me to keep trying, keep creating, keep improving.

color drawing of a half angel, half demon
half angel, half demon, color

Blah, blah, blah… Not impressed by this one at all. Someone come take it off my hands! I’m sure it’s still around my apartment somewhere…

a black and white drawing of a woman with her torso split open to reveal what looks like metal
mechanical insides, b&w

Pink-haired mullet person! Honestly, this hairstyle is like my goal. I’m currently growing out a mullet in real life and the next time I get a haircut, I want it to look something like this.

a color drawing of a woman with her torso split open to reveal what looks like metal
mechanical insides, color

I love a good thigh-high sock, don’t you?

a black and white drawing of a woman with spikes sprouting from her shoulders, torso, and skull
harsh, b&w

I remember the time I drew this so specifically. It was right around a good friend of mine’s birthday. It was also right before quarantine started. Winter was still in full swing. I really like this one!

color drawing of a woman with spikes sprouting from her shoulders, torso, and skull
harsh, color

And sometimes, color makes a drawing even better. While her skin is incredibly pink, I think it works here. Pink, red, dark red… I’m into it.

Anyway… that’s all for now. If you’re interested in more of my work, please check out my last blog post or my instagram. If there are any pieces you’d like to hear more about, or if you’d like to purchase one, send me a message!