Alright, folks, this week we’ve got an intro to outer space! I love, love, love this outer space series and I’m so excited to be sharing it with you all. I don’t know that I would have explored this outer space series if it wasn’t for the sea creature series… and also, if I hadn’t bought a white gel pen at the art store. I initially wanted to use it to “highlight” certain things, but then I realized it works really well when wanting to draw polka dots, or STARS!
Thus, my outer space series was born. I feel like this was a very specific turning point in my artistic journey, and I am very grateful for it. It’s weird, because throughout the years – like back when I used to paint – I used to really enjoy painting planets, stars, etc. But that never translated to my illustrations/drawings. Or at least, I never was able to execute/explore it at this specific level.
Well, here we are. Outer space. I love them!
My favorite pieces are “Fly, Forever,” “Let’s Play Ball, Bitch,” and “Centipederella.” Fun fact: “Centipederella” was inspired by this really terrible evening I had when I had to remove a centipede from my apartment. After living in this apartment for six years, I’ve never seen a centipede before… and suddenly I was confronted by one right as I was laying down for bed. I was up another two hours, frightened as hell, trying to get it out of my apartment without killing it. And I mean frightened. Anyway – lol – I’d also like to note that “Fly, Forever” is perhaps in the top 10 favorite pieces I’ve ever drawn. I just love it.
What do you like? Let me know! Feel free to message me here or on instagram. Be sure to check out last week’s posts as well. Enjoy!