North America

Preparing a Trip to New England

I’ve been preparing  to go on a trip to New England.  After work tomorrow, I’ll be beginning a 6 day adventure of the east coast beginning with Washington, D.C.

I’m not sure what to expect of D.C. aside from it supposedly being a big deal.  It’s the capital of the U.S.A., so I guess that makes sense.  My companion, Matt, loves it there and is going to be showing me around.  Usually, I like to research places I’m going to be traveling to, but I’ve decided to let Matt take care of this portion of the trip.  Letting go of control… yikes!

I spoke with a coworker of mine recently and he informed me that all of the museums in D.C. are free.  Whether that’s true or not, I’ll be finding out soon enough!  Pretty cool that our tax dollars go towards that.

Once our time has finished in D.C., we’ll be taking a bus (or train?) to Baltimore, Maryland where we’ll be leaving for Boston.

Things I’ve been told to check out in Boston:

Museum of Science
Freedom Trail
Mike’s Pastry for cannoli
Café Pamplona

Obviously, there’s a lot more to do in Boston than just these but from what I’ve been told it’s an easily walkable city. It’ll be a nice treat to be surprised.

After a day in Boston, we’ll be renting a car and driving down to Providence, Rhode Island for a quick trip – then up to Maine where we’ll be exploring for the remainder of our trip.In Maine, we’re going to try and head up to Acadia National Park, then do a whale watching tour in Kennebunkport.

Of course there will be a lot of exploring in between!

I’ll be sure to post about each of these states along with pictures.
Write me with any questions, comments, or suggestions!