
Heels and Shrooms: August 25th to September 9th, 2021

Hi, all! This week we’ve got some more heels and shrooms for y’all. ‘Tis the theme lately, I suppose. Mushrooms really are super cool – have any of you seen that documentary Fantastic Fungi on Netflix? It’s amazing.

Some of the illustrations I posted are sort of whatever, but I’m trying to just be humble and post whatever I’m working on because it’s not all great. I’ve said it before, but like… I just try to draw every day. Sometimes the pieces end up really cool in my opinion, and sometimes they look like shit. That’s okay. The idea for me is to just practice, practice, practice. And I’ve come a long way, I think.

I have quite a few favorites from this week. “Oh, my God, Becky,” “Get to the Gala,” and “Amanda Palmer.” Honorary mention for “It’s the Thing That You Do” because that one feels pretty cool, too. I wanted to mention for the “Amanda Palmer” piece that I submitted it to Amanda Palmer’s website and it actually got featured on her monthly Patreon post which is pretty cool. Amanda Palmer is my favorite musician – I’ve followed her since The Dresden Dolls and she is like… my hero. If you haven’t heard her music, definitely check it out!

I also want to try to experiment with more portraits. I’ve been focusing on BODIES for so long, but not zeroing in on faces really. In fact, I like the faceless-ness to my pieces a lot of the time. That said, I was thinking it would be a cool thing to try and make a bunch of portraits of my friends and family in December and give them as holiday gifts.

What are your favorites from the week? Let me know! Contact me on Instagram or message me here. Check out last week’s post as well.

WIP illustration of some legs and heels
“C’mon, Legs” / WIP
color illustration of some legs and heels
“C’mon, Legs” / color
WIP illustration of a faceless woman
“Just Fill in the Empty Spaces” / WIP
color illustration of a faceless woman
“Just Fill in the Empty Spaces” / color
WIP illustration of the lower half of a body with vines and moss and mushrooms growing
“Oh, my God, Becky” / WIP
color illustration of the lower half of a body with vines and moss and mushrooms growing
“Oh, my God, Becky” / color
WIP illustration of a headless person with moss, vines, and leaves growing from them
“Get to the Gala” / WIP
color illustration of a headless person with moss, vines, and leaves growing from them
“Get to the Gala” / color
WIP illustration of a person growing out a sunflower stalk
“Are You Being Honest?” / WIP
color illustration of a person growing out a sunflower stalk
“Are You Being Honest?” / color
WIP illustration of a robotic-looking person with vines wrapping around their body
“It’s the Thing That You Do” / WIP
color illustration of a robotic-looking person with vines wrapping around their body
“It’s the Thing That You Do” / color
WIP illustration of a seated person in heels
“Tear It Down” / WIP
color illustration of a seated person in heels
“Tear It Down” / color
WIP illustration of amanda palmer
“Amanda Palmer” / WIP
color illustration of amanda palmer
“Amanda Palmer” / color
WIP illustration of lady gaga
“Attempted Gaga” / WIP
color illustration of lady gaga
“Attempted Gaga” / color
WIP illustration of a person with a bunch of flowers for a head
“The Paw” / WIP
color illustration of a person with a bunch of flowers for a head
“The Paw” / color
WIP illustration of a person with mushrooms growing out of their eyes
“Do You See What I See?” / WIP
color illustration of a person with mushrooms growing out of their eyes
“Do You See What I See?” / color