Hey, everyone! This week we’ve got heels, heels, and more heels! I always have the hardest time with hands and feet – I don’t know why. Recently I started switching from nude feet to my model’s wearing heels… and I kind of love it. Who doesn’t love heels? Well… maybe not everyone likes wearing them, but alas. I think they look good on my characters.
I remember feeling very good about this week of art. My favorite is 100% “Fire Nation Katara” inspired by the show Avatar the Last Airbender. Check it out if you haven’t seen it! It was on Nickelodeon, but I watched it for the first time as an adult and was blown away by how mature it is for being a “kid’s show”.
I also really like “A Little Rorscharch” and “Cool Hat” from this week. I think all of the pieces look pretty good, though. But “Fire Nation Katara” has hands and a face that I’m really proud of. I really struggle with faces. And hands. And feet. Like I said, haha. I’ll get there one day. I do daily warm-ups of just drawing 10 faces in 20 minutes and sometimes I feel like I’m really understanding the shape of the face, and other times I’m like “…no.” But I’m a work in progress.
What are your favorites from the week? Let me know! Message me through my website or on instagram. Be sure to check out last week’s post if you haven’t already!