North America, Travel

Glenwood Springs & Hanging Lake

Glenwood Springs

Andy, Mike, and I continued our road trip journey from Gunnison and went to the Glenwood Springs.  I missed out on visiting hot springs in Iceland, in Israel, and in Lake Tahoe. Finally, I’ve had my opportunity.

Mike doing a yoga pose
Mike doing yoga

Mike is an amazing yoga instructor, check out his Instagram!  If you’re in Denver, I’m sure he’ll hook it up.

I can’t say much for the springs other than they had a beautiful view, were incredibly relaxing, and I got sunburnt.

Enjoying the warmth at Glenwood Springs
Mike & Andy posing at Glenwood Springs

We stayed from noon until four, I’m shocked I didn’t get more sunburnt than I did.  I highly recommend checking out Iron Mountain Hot Springs if you’re ever in Glenwood Springs.  For $25, you have the option to stay all day – coming & going as you please.

Hanging Lake

After a long day of soaking in 107 degree hot spring water, we drove fifteen minutes to Hanging Lake, where we would embark on a mile and a half uphill hike.

Hanging Lake base
Base of the Hanging Lake hike

As we started our descent, we started to see many tiny fairy waterfalls and creeks, all seemingly funneling down from something larger.

Hanging Lake mini waterfall
Fairy waterfall at Hanging Lake
Hanging Lake view
Scenic view on the hike up Hanging Lake

It was surreal to walk along the canyon, hiking around waterfalls, creeks, and foliage.  We took many breaks, lost a member of the group (Andy), found her, and then made it to the final destination: Hanging Lake.

Waterfall at Hanging Lake
Hanging Lake

I had been expecting the end of the hike to be the top of the canyon walls, overlooking a lake at the bottom but I was pleasantly surprised.  Hanging Lake reminded me a lot of Caney Creek Falls in Alabama.  I wasn’t anticipating a big lake near the top of a canyon, so it certainly did the trick.

It started to get cold and all the other hikers cleared out.  Heading downhill, we felt raindrops.  Much easier getting down than up.  We walked to the car to head to our next destination – Rocky Mountain National Park, our final stop on the road trip – but not before we saw a deer as the sun started to descend.