
Season of Ghouls: August 9th to August 13th, 2021

Hello, hello! ‘Tis the season of ghouls… or at least the week of ghouls, for me. And fitting, too, since it’s almost Halloween.

I really, really dig a lot of these illustrations. Adding the grid-like skin texture ended up working so well for me, in a way I was totally surprised by. While it was easy to do it on animals and landscapes, I wasn’t sure how it would translate to people… and it translated quite well, I think.

My favorites from the week are “Let’s Enter It, Then,” “A Favorite of Sorts,” and “Waiting, Waiting, Waiting.” I mean I really like them. “A Favorite of Sorts” definitely reads as pretty strong to me. I love the color combinations – the yellow and blue are super pleasing to my eyes.

What about you? What do you like from this week’s share? And what are you gonna be for Halloween? Let me know on Instagram or through the site. I’d love to hear from ya. If you haven’t already, check out last week’s post!

WIP illustration of somebody wearing a skull mask
“What a World We Live In” / WIP
color illustration of somebody wearing a skull mask
“What a World We Live In” / color
WIP illustration of a ghoul with mushrooms
“Let’s Enter It, Then” / WIP
color illustration of a ghoul with mushrooms
“Let’s Enter It, Then” / color
WIP illustration of a headless body with vines and mushrooms growing out of it
“A Favorite of Sorts” / WIP
color illustration of a headless body with vines and mushrooms growing out of it
“A Favorite of Sorts” / color
WIP illustration of a headless body with mushrooms and vines
“Wait and See” / WIP
color illustration of a headless body with mushrooms and vines
“Wait and See” / color
WIP illustration of a headless body in high heels
“Waiting, Waiting, Waiting” / WIP
color illustration of a headless body in high heels
“Waiting, Waiting, Waiting” / color