
Four-legged Creatures: April 17th to April 26th, 2021

Hello, hello! This week I’ve got some more four-legged creatures for ya. Yahoo! I had a lot of fun figuring out which safari creatures I wanted to illustrate this week, although I think it was kind of hard to top last week’s lioness.

So what have we got here? A warthog, bear, coyote, kudu, panda, rhino, and red panda. It’s funny – there are so many animals in the world, yet I found myself being like “what should I draw next?!” Sometimes it’s hard to pick a reference image. I’ll just be scrolling and scrolling through the internet – annoyed that I’m spending more time searching rather than actually drawing.

My favorite from this week is probably “When You See, You Know” and “Rhino”. I was really pleased with how the rhino turned out. Not necessarily the color version, to be honest, but the line work.

Drawing animals feels so different than humans and I think it really challenges me in a way that’s completely unique. Also… I know I’ve mentioned the past couple weeks that it’s been so long since I’ve drawn humans, but I DID just draw a human yesterday for the first time (it’s July 28th, 2021 today) and… I gotta say, it’s pretty good. Looking forward to diving back into humanoids.

What are your favorites from the week? Let me know! Contact me through the site or through instagram. Have a great week and I hope you’ve enjoyed these four-legged creatures!

WIP drawing of a warthog
“Warthog Galaxy” / WIP
color drawing of a warthog
“Warthog Galaxy” / color
WIP drawing of a walking bear
“When You See, You Know” / WIP
color drawing of a walking bear
“When You See, You Know” / color
WIP drawing of a coyote howling
“Howl” / WIP
color drawing of a coyote howling
“Howl” / color
WIP drawing of a kudu
“What in the Bloody Hell?” / WIP
color drawing of a kudu
“What in the Bloody Hell?” / color
WIP drawing of a seated panda
“Panda, Panda” / WIP
color drawing of a seated panda
“Panda, Panda” / color
WIP drawing of a rhino
“Rhino”/ WIP
color drawing of a rhino
“Rhino”/ color
WIP drawing of a red panda
“Red Panda Panda” / WIP
color drawing of a red panda
“Red Panda Panda” / color