Hey, everyone! What a fun week it has been. While I didn’t have time to go on a hike, there was a lot of activity in Queenstown. Read on!
Sonic Healing
As you all know by now, every Wednesday I go hang out with the circus kids by the lake. This particular Wednesday, I was speaking with Croc and he asked me if I play any instruments. I told him I play the guitar (poorly) and that I love to sing (arguably less poorly). He took down my number and invited me to a little get together the following evening. I didn’t know what to expect, but I decided to go with the flow.
Come Thursday, I hung out with Yvonne, Jasper, and Victoria for half an hour before heading to meet with Croc. The get together was hosted by Josh, who has an apartment five minutes from my accommodation, overlooking the Remarkables and Mount Cecil. Such a gorgeous view! I will have to take a picture next time.

There ended up being seven of us. We caught up for some time but then Rishan pulled out his handpan and Chris brought out his didgeridoo. I KNOW. Crazy. I hadn’t heard someone play a handpan before but it is a really beautiful sound. It sounds like an instrument people would be playing under the sea with Ariel. Lovely. It was an interesting juxtaposition between the didgeridoo which has a much deeper sound.
After a while, Liv and I started to harmonize vocalizations. It is always a little scary to sing in front of other people but it was a comfortable bunch and we got along well. There wasn’t any judgment.
At one point, Croc asked me to sing something so I grabbed the guitar and played Malibu by Courtney Love’s band Hole. When I’d finished, Croc told me I was a good singer which was nice. I get nervous to sing in front of other people but it was fine. They were all really supportive.
It was honestly a really lovely night. I’m glad I received the invitation and was invited to come back the following week. Josh told me I could come by any time. Yay!
Party #1: Girls’ Night Out
Yvonne, Jasper, and I had plans to go out Friday night because they both had Saturday off which is pretty rare. After dinner, an NA meeting, and 45min spent listening to one of my favorite musician’s new album, I went to Yvonne’s room to hang out with her, Abby, Victoria, Kevin, and a new guy (Kyle) before going out. Once Jasper was finished getting ready, we hit the town. The night was spent alternating between Winnie’s, Rhino’s, Bunker, and Bungalow. The music was a little hit or miss on this evening – I think I am finding Saturday to be the prime night for music. But still, we had such a fun time!

Around 2.30am (I know), I started to crash and told Jasper and Yvonne I might be heading home soon. They decided to join me for a late night snack at Night ‘n’ Day. As we were chatting and eating some very carb-y food, I spotted a Wild Emily in the night! It is always a treat to run into Emily while she’s out and about. She’s hilarious, too and somehow convinced me to go out dancing some more. So I did and I’m glad because the music at Bungalow was incredible at that time of night.

Yvonne, Emily, and I walked home together and ended the night a little after 3.30am. YIKES!

Party #2: Bruno’s Gig
Unsurprisingly, I slept in Saturday morning. Until TWELVE THIRTY! Although, that’s just about eight hours, so not too bad. I usually always wake up before noon, though. I couldn’t believe it.
I knew that Saturday night was going to be another round of dancing because our work mate Bruno was DJing at Yonder bar. It was raining in the morning, forcing me to stay indoors. I worked on a drawing and hung around the hostel. Around 7pm, I ran into Arveena, Tibea, Andres, and Abby in the hallway. They were heading to Bruno’s house where he was having a little pre-DJ party ahead of the main event. Since I’d just eaten dinner, I spruced up a little bit and then joined them on the walk over.
Bruno is honestly a very good DJ. Whether it’s at a house party or at a bar – he delivers. I caught up with Arveena for some time but then got roped into a conversation with Jasper, Yvonne, and Abby. While I intended to hold off on dancing until we reached the bars, I couldn’t help it… Bruno’s music was too good!

Around 9pm, I left Bruno’s to chill out for a moment ahead of the DJ set at Yonder. I changed clothes, took a moment for myself, and then went to the kitchen. The kitchen was mayhem. So many people hanging out, already drunk, making ALL of the noise. Just after 10pm, the mob left the hostel and went to Yonder.

Once there, it seemed as if our hotel had rented out the entire bar. It must have been 2/3 mix of people from the hostel/hotel. Everyone was having such a good time. Many laughs. At times, people were getting up on the DJ stage and dancing. Employees asked them to get down multiple times. I may or may not have gotten pulled up on stage at one point. Later in the set, Marion actually went on stage and Bruno let her put the headphones on and showed her how to work the mixing board hahaha. She was having such a blast.

Around midnight, Bruno’s set finished and I rushed out of the bar to go meet with Nittsy and Valeria. It was Nittsy’s last night in Queenstown so I wanted to make sure I went out dancing with her to celebrate her. I wanted to stop at the hostel for a second to drop off my sweater, but I bumped into Nittsy, Valeria, and Elias on the street before I could. Off to Bunker we went!
We danced and laughed and enjoyed one another’s company as we typically do.
From Bunker, we went to London for the Latin Party. At one point, Nittsy took my hands in hers and tried to teach me a little salsa-y dance. I am hopeless at choreographed dance, but I tried. She had me cackling because she was spinning me around like a pro and I had no idea what to do. I just did my best not to step on her feet haha.
Bruno made his way to the Latin Party at one point and when he saw me, he gave me a hug and thanked me for being the best dancer at his party haha. What a compliment!
Yvonne and I had the goal to stay out until 3am but around 2am, Yvonne turned to me and asked, “Can we go now?” Hahaha. We had a late night the night before and I agreed… it was time to go.
We went to Night ‘n’ Day, where I got a spinach & feta roll, a vegan meat pie, and two hash browns. I was HUNGRY!
We sat on a bench where we met Lau and Marion. The four of us hung out for a while, a Canadian dude hit on me, and eventually, I retired for the evening.
Party #3: Kami & Nittsy Farewell
And the LAST party of the weekend was the final farewell for Kami and Nittsy. A little chiller, the event took place at a little BBQ spot near the lake. There was a good turnout. I met Romina’s boyfriend Scott who is a kiwi up near Auckland. He and I got to talking about birds and lizards. He really loves wildlife and recently bought two pet blue-tongue lizards. How cool! We talked about conservation efforts to eradicate possums in Aotearoa New Zealand, about the damage the pests have done on the native birdlife, etc. Scott told me he actually discovered a new species of spider a few years back. How cool is that? We really clicked and talked for a long while.
As the sun went down, it got colder out. I was clenching my teeth and shivering. I kept huddling up next to people because I was chilly haha.
Finally, we went back to the hostel. Some of us hung out in the kitchen. I talked with Nittsy, Valeria, and Elias for some time but then I had to go, because… I was buying a van!
A New Mode of Transportation
My desire to have a mode of transportation has been growing since I arrived in Aotearoa New Zealand. It seemed like the #1 way to get around while here, because public transportation only goes so far and my hostel buddies with cars aren’t often off work the same days as me. I could take tours, but tours are expensive. By the time I went on a few tours, I could have just bought a car. And so a few weeks ago, I started to be a little more proactive about my search.
I looked at one car but it didn’t seem like the right fit. After meeting the second dude and taking the van for a test drive, I said “yeah, I want to buy it.”
The van is a 1999 Honda Odyssey and was kept in the same family for many years – constantly serviced and cared for. I got it for about $3,000 NZD which is, idk, $2,000 USD maybe? Not bad.
In New Zealand, you have to get something called a Warrant of Fitness (WoF) every year – where the automobile is inspected and given the OK to be driving on the road. The van last received a WoF two months ago, so it seemed okay to purchase.
The only hiccup was that he needed the van for another week since he had to commute to Glenorchy for work before leaving Queenstown. Begrudgingly, I waited… wondering the whole time if he was going to sell to somebody else instead. But hey, now I’ve got the keys!
I met Matteo around 10pm – he had cleared out the van with the exception of the mattress and blankets which will certainly come in handy during future road trips. It’s pretty exciting, honestly! Once I’d paid him and started to drive off, I almost couldn’t believe it. This is the first time I’ve owned a vehicle in over ten years. Wild!

Hopefully, before leaving Aotearoa New Zealand, I’ll be able to sell the van too and make most of my money back. Fingers crossed!
This morning, I drove the van into Frankton to get the Change of Ownership done. It was a very easy (and free!) process.

So exciting! I am thinking of going to Monkey Creek this weekend to pay the kea birds a visit. We will see!

As mentioned, one of my favorite musicians, Allie X, just came out with a new album called Girl With No Face. On Friday night, I laid in my bed with my headphones on and eyes closed and listened to the album from start to finish. It is DAMN GOOD.
As of tonight, I have moved from a three bed room into a two bed room with Jasper (Nittsy’s old bed… crying!)… where I will have a double bed (instead of a bunk bed). But even better than that… I’ll have a BALCONY! Yahoo!

One evening, I was chatting with a friend of my hostel mate who was asking me how long I’ve been in ANZ for. When I told her four months, she said, “so 1/3 of your visa then.” It was pretty wild to hear that. Strange to think I only have 2/3 left! Time is weird.

Another evening, I played a card game with Kevin, Katy, Elias, and Raul. I can’t remember the name but it was one of those where you have to slap your hand on the deck of cards before everyone else and if you’re last, you have to pick up all the cards.

I also feel inclined to reiterate AGAIN that despite the fiestas this weekend, I am still sober. Sometimes it is weird because people ask, “why aren’t you drinking? Why don’t you drink?” etc., and I explain myself but then people either forget or don’t understand the severity of my situation. In theory, could I drink? Sure. And then I’d probably start smoking weed and then taking pills and eventually it would go back to The Big Bad. Not fucking worth it. My life is too beautiful, too blessed. There is nothing that could happen to me in this life that would make me want to risk everything I’ve been given in sobriety. So why do I go out dancing so late? Same as everyone else, sans the alcohol! I just love to dance and it’s fun to be out with my hostel buddies. Sometimes, I don’t really want to stay out that late, but I am trying to be open to just following wherever the universe is guiding me. And that is very much with the people in my hostel at the moment. We are a little family for sure.

The other night, Valeria and Nittsy were sitting on one couch while four of us sat on the opposite couches. Valeria and Nittsy giggled and pointed to the four of us and I started laughing too because what she was observing was that there were four gays sitting next to one another. We started joking, saying the hostel has gotten so gay – there are so many of us at the moment! I think there were actually seven in the kitchen at that moment. I love it, though! I remember when I first was making the decision to move to Queenstown, I was slightly apprehensive because I thought there wouldn’t be any other queer people here… and yet, I have a lovely little queer community.

And finally… mi amiguita, Nittsy. I will be seeing her tonight for a final farewell, but it is certainly a bummer to see her go. I will miss her laugh, her hugs, and the way she says, “Eysteeven!” when I enter the room. Yet, something tells me I will see her sooner than later. El mundo es grande, pero es pequeño también. Te amo mucho, Nittsy!

Art of the Week

I have been feeling so good. So good. As mentioned a bit in this post… I am just feeling very “part of” in my little family at the hostel. It is unusual for me, because I am quite used to feeling like an outcast.
I just love it here in Queenstown. I love my friends and I love going out dancing and exploring. I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll say it again. People say, “Queenstown is a bubble,” and now I understand it. It would be easy to stay in Queenstown every weekend and not go exploring. I could just stay with my people and get dinner and ice cream and boba, etc. But… I want to explore. And now I have the van, and if I want, I can leave on a Friday night after work and come home Sunday night or even Monday morning.
I hope my joy and contentment spreads into your week!
Until next time, I’m sending you all my love. xx