I’m really trying to catch up to January 2020, which is when we’ll be on the same timeline as my Instagram posts. So here we go!
Also – I’d like to mention that I have dozens of pieces in between what I’ve been sharing on here. I’ve been trying to highlight my favorite drawings for the sake of playing catch-up, but if you’re interested in seeing work prior to January that I haven’t posted on here, check out my Instagram! I’ve been posting nearly every day since April 2018, though I have removed some of the really bad ones off there.

Spider lady! I’m sharing the ink version instead of color, because… color did not work out. Typically, when I’m working on a drawing, I’ll take a picture of it in black & white, and then again once I’ve finished color. That way, if the color gets completely messed up, I still have a backup to share.
At the time I drew this, I was studying insects. I think that’s pretty clear when looking at this lady’s arms, or… spider legs? While I think her silhouette looks lovely, I missed the mark when it came to her face – perhaps one of the most common themes of all in my art. Whoops! I’ll figure it out one day.

More insect inspiration. I’m looking at this and kind of laughing to myself because… well, the “joints” on the legs are misaligned and not even at all. But… this is what happens sometimes!
I’ve heard before that there’s no point in spending too much time on one drawing when you don’t understand the anatomy. It’s better to spend ten hours working on hundreds of drawings instead of ten hours on one drawing that is constructed poorly. I think that’s part of my M.O. – to just keep creating, no matter what that means. I may only spend an hour or so on drawing every day, but that’s better than spending no time at all. Right? RIGHT? I don’t know.

Back to plants, I guess! I will say, the month of January was absolutely revelatory for me. I started to walk away from drawing only “busts” and began a journey into full body portraits, though I was very intimidated by them.

Did you ever watch or read Animorphs? I loved that show so much as a kid. As soon as I completed this drawing, I thought that it looked like a character out of Animorphs. I think this drawing was when I really started to gravitate towards pink hair. I know I mentioned in my last post about pink hair being A Thing, but I think this was when it really solidified as an idea for me. I started to create these characters in my head – the woman with the pink hair and the woman with the orange hair. While the faces may be ever-changing, those hair colors are ever-present in my work. As a teenager, pink was always my favorite color to dye my hair. Perhaps that was part of my influence?

More pink! And hats. I believe this was the culmination of an interest in hats in my drawings, too! Don’t look at her hands… they do not look good.

I don’t think she has much trouble seeing, huh? The color version of this is horrible, so sharing the black & white instead. I feel obligated to say… I totally struggle with spending time on detail. I’ll look at some other artist’s work and see all these intricate fine lines, and I’m like… nope! I would never, ever finish it. So kudos to you folks, but these eyeballs are lazy and rushed!

I love the hands on this drawing. Conversely, I hate her feet. Why are they so tiny?! Oh, well. I do like her! She reminds me of a Lady Beetlejuice with her striped garments.

If you know me, you know that centipedes are my least favorite creature. As a kid, my room was in the basement… and seeing centipedes was more frequent than I would have preferred. They have so many legs. Why? Regardless, I absolutely pulled inspiration from them in this drawing.

Drawing people’s backsides is actually one of my favorite things. I love seeing the head turned away from the body, just the underside of their chin peeking through. I was really happy with this drawing back in January. I thought the hands, the feet, the silhouette all felt really strong. Of course, I had run out of flesh-toned markers, so when I used color, I colored her body with a bright pink. That worked for Amanda Lepore in her Heatherettes video, but not on this drawing.
Also – wow, I think every drawing I’ve shared has been of women or at least female-presenting characters. This year, I’ve definitely eased into more male presenting and even androgynous models, so that will be something to perhaps look forward to!

And for the final share of this post – Morphine Queen! I am still quite pleased with this one. Does she look familiar? I drew a woman with a similar hairstyle in my last blog post.
Alright. I think we did a good job playing catch up – we’re now caught up to the latest pieces that I’ve been posting on Instagram. I think moving forward, I’ll be adding both black and white and color versions to this blog, while I mostly post the color versions on Instagram. That will give some added incentive for you who may be checking out my blog.
Also – please share and please comment! Write me, tell me what you think. If there’s anything more you’d like me to talk about in my posts, or if you have any questions, just contact me! It would be great to know I actually have some people interested.