
Some Anime: January 13th to January 23rd, 2021

Hello, friends! Hello, nobody! Is anybody out there, reading…? I know one person is because they wrote me recently to let me know. HELLO to you! For this week’s share, I’ve got quite a few pieces where I’m experimenting with some anime-ish characters. I mentioned in last week’s post that I was trying to figure out which direction I wanted to take my work in next, and playing around with anime was a fun break in between my themes. I actually really enjoyed experimenting in that way – it had been so long since I tried out drawing anime characters. As a teenager, that was my main style of drawing.

I think my favorites from the week are “I Didn’t Expect You To See Me Like This,” “It’s All About Peace, Baby,” and “Eren.” “Eren” is based off the main character Eren Jaeger in Attack on Titan – which is an anime that is 100% worth your time. Check it out! The other pieces from anime are the two “Kakegurui” illustrations. That show is CRAZY but I love it.

As usual, some of these pieces aren’t anything incredible, but that’s what happens with daily drawing. Sometimes I’m really proud, other times I’m like “eh – but at least I drew today!” And that’s okay.

Let me know what you like! Message me on instagram or on this website. Check out last week’s post, too!

WIP drawing of a person with tentacle fingers and a very strange face
“I Didn’t Expect You To See Me Like This” / WIP
color drawing of a person with tentacle fingers and a very strange face
“I Didn’t Expect You To See Me Like This” / color
WIP drawing of a squid like person
“It’s Over There” / WIP
color drawing of a squid like person
“It’s Over There” / color
WIP drawing of a perosn with a block head and tentacle fingers
“Legs and Legs” / WIP
color drawing of a perosn with a block head and tentacle fingers
“Legs and Legs” / color
WIP drawing of a grimes-esque character
“Delete Forever” / WIP
color drawing of a grimes-esque character
“Delete Forever” / color
WIP drawing of a character from Kakegurui
“Kakegurui 1” / WIP
color drawing of a character from Kakegurui
“Kakegurui 1” / color
WIP drawing of a person with a peace sign for a head
“It’s All About Peace, Baby” / WIP
color drawing of a person with a peace sign for a head
“It’s All About Peace, Baby” / WIP
WIP drawing of Eren from Attack on Titan
“Eren” / WIP
color drawing of Eren from Attack on Titan
“Eren” / color
WIP drawing of a character from Kakegurui
“Kakegurui 2” / WIP
color drawing of a character from Kakegurui
“Kakegurui 2” / color