This week is a short one – we’ve got the intro to animals! I mentioned in last week’s post that I am taking a break from drawing people and that it will be a while before I go back to them. The reason I took a break is to experiment with other forms. I feel like I was getting pretty strong at my understanding of drawing humans, or at least humanoid forms, but not so much with animals, landscape, etc. So… here we go, animals!
What have we got here? A whale, an elephant, a sea horse. I’d say it’s a good introduction to the animals. With “Whale Masquerade,” I ended up titling it that because… the eye placement is less like a whale and more like a shark. Hence, a whale masquerade. “The Friendly One” is my favorite from this week, and one of my favorite animal drawings. I made it into a t-shirt which you can see on my instagram. “Under the Sea” is… eh. I like it, but the marker is looking pretty streaky on the paper.
One thing I should probably note is that I had bought this new sketchpad, and while normally they have the most AMAZING quality, this particular sketchpad STUNK! The ink doesn’t absorb into the paper the way I’m used to, and it looks much streakier than usual. I ended up writing the paper company and asking them about it – and if you’d believe it, they actually ended up sending me a bunch of new sketchpads, at no cost. Incredibly kind of them. They are called Crescent and their sketchpads are literally THE BEST.
Anyway… what are your favorites this week? Let me know! Message me on instagram or contact me through the website.