
Robotic Insides – April 6th to April 13th

This week seems to be exploring robotic insides, spikes, and warped flesh. I can’t believe these were drawn all the way back in April! It’s October now. Much has changed.

black & white drawing of a man with bits of skin exposed to show robotic insides
am i a boy? am i a girl? b&w

I love this guy. I tried to separate his flesh in a new way, as if it was clothing. In those separations, I have a sort of robotic armor. Perhaps that is his true flesh?

color drawing of a man with bits of skin exposed to show robotic insides
am i a boy? am i a girl? color

I much prefer this piece in color! I think the mint works well for the color of his robotic skin. I also really love his leg that is extended out – I think the curves look lovely.

black and white drawing of a woman with bits of robot flesh and a conehead
take me to your planet, b&w

Reminds me of Coneheads! Did you ever see that movie? Except this is more of a robot and less of an alien.

color drawing of a woman with bits of robot flesh and a conehead
take me to your planet, coor

And better in color, once again!

black and white drawing of a nude man with spikes shot through his body, and his skull exposed
NSFW, b&w

Whoops! I think this is the first time I’ve posted a man with his privates exposed. I hope it doesn’t trigger anyone!

color drawing of a nude man with spikes shot through his body, and his skull exposed
NSFW, color

I love this piece. I think the spikes are all placed pretty well. If I were to redo this, I think I would try to make his exposed skull work better. That said, I’m still really enjoying how it looks.

black & white drawing of a woman with only half a body
like ribbons, b&w

I wanted to try to create new ways of distorting the body, so I thought I would try and have the skin wrap away from her as if they were petals or ribbons.

color drawing of a woman with only half a body, as if it turned into colored ribbons
like ribbons, color

The only area I really don’t like is the petal/flesh part that comes around where her right eye would have been. I think the petal part needed to be a lot more rounded to work.

black and white drawing of a woman who has separations in her flesh, exposing her canyon-esque insides
canyons of the flesh, b&w

This was a bit of a rush and I don’t think I planned it out very well. But… it’s still okay, right?

color drawing of a woman who has separations in her flesh, exposing her canyon-esque insides
canyons of the flesh, color

I chose a strangely colored marked for the skin. It’s so warm and orange-y… But, again, quick study.

black and white drawing of a pirate woman
get out your swords, b&w

Look at this cool pirate person with strange eyeball mutations on their shoulders and arms! I think she’s pretty badass and I love the look on her face.

color drawing of a pirate woman
get out your swords, color

For whatever reason, I decided to add some swords! She isn’t really one of my faves, but she’s cool.

black and white drawing of a nude woman with liberty spikes leaning backwards
gucci, b&w

One of the absolute most difficult things for me to do is draw heads that are at extreme angles. Somehow, some way, I don’t think I completely failed this time!

color drawing of a nude woman with liberty spikes leaning backwards
gucci, color

I remember drawing this one while Zoom-ing with one of my friends. We both were drawing and catching up in the early days of quarantine. This was the pice I ended up churning out! The bands on her arms and legs remind me of a Gucci design.

I hope you’ve all enjoyed this week’s posts! Be sure to check out my last post! If you’re interested in any pieces, please DM me on instagram, or contact me here.