This week seems to be exploring robotic insides, spikes, and warped flesh. I can’t believe these were drawn all the way back in April! It’s October now. Much has changed.

I love this guy. I tried to separate his flesh in a new way, as if it was clothing. In those separations, I have a sort of robotic armor. Perhaps that is his true flesh?

I much prefer this piece in color! I think the mint works well for the color of his robotic skin. I also really love his leg that is extended out – I think the curves look lovely.

Reminds me of Coneheads! Did you ever see that movie? Except this is more of a robot and less of an alien.

And better in color, once again!

Whoops! I think this is the first time I’ve posted a man with his privates exposed. I hope it doesn’t trigger anyone!

I love this piece. I think the spikes are all placed pretty well. If I were to redo this, I think I would try to make his exposed skull work better. That said, I’m still really enjoying how it looks.

I wanted to try to create new ways of distorting the body, so I thought I would try and have the skin wrap away from her as if they were petals or ribbons.

The only area I really don’t like is the petal/flesh part that comes around where her right eye would have been. I think the petal part needed to be a lot more rounded to work.

This was a bit of a rush and I don’t think I planned it out very well. But… it’s still okay, right?

I chose a strangely colored marked for the skin. It’s so warm and orange-y… But, again, quick study.

Look at this cool pirate person with strange eyeball mutations on their shoulders and arms! I think she’s pretty badass and I love the look on her face.

For whatever reason, I decided to add some swords! She isn’t really one of my faves, but she’s cool.

One of the absolute most difficult things for me to do is draw heads that are at extreme angles. Somehow, some way, I don’t think I completely failed this time!

I remember drawing this one while Zoom-ing with one of my friends. We both were drawing and catching up in the early days of quarantine. This was the pice I ended up churning out! The bands on her arms and legs remind me of a Gucci design.
I hope you’ve all enjoyed this week’s posts! Be sure to check out my last post! If you’re interested in any pieces, please DM me on instagram, or contact me here.