
Oddly Shaped Heads – March 31st to April 5th

This week seems to be almost completely about oddly shaped heads! Welcome back. Sometimes it’s hard for me to find a common theme for each week because I jump around with concepts a lot, but aside from the first drawing here, all of them have weird heads. Let’s take a look!

black and white drawing of a woman clad in latex, with a giant spider for legs
latex spider, b&w

Latex spider! I love this woman. I think the latex is really only obvious once I’ve added color, but I prefer this drawing in black and white.

color drawing of a woman clad in latex, with a giant spider for legs
latex spider, color

It does appear that I’d finally gotten some new markers, though, judging by the skin tone on this piece! If you’ll remember from last week’s post, and even maybe prior to that, I was using yellows and odd colors for skin tones. I wish for this drawing that I had studied the light some more. It seems sort of erratic, and I didn’t do the best job highlighting where the light would actually hit the latex on her skin.

black & white drawing of a woman with a distorted head and multiple arms
get over it, b&w

Filler piece! This one seems definitely rushed to me, but I do love the attempted idea. If I were to recreate this today, I would want to have a little more going on. Perhaps more limbs? Is a dozen too many?

color drawing of a woman with a distorted head and multiple arms
get over it, color

I think the addition of color fills in the piece much better. The ink-only version just felt kind of… lacking. Color saves it a little… right?

black & white drawing of a nude man with spikes sprouting from his skull and shoulders
short legged, b&w

I should probably put a NSFW tag on every single one of my posts, shouldn’t I? It’s all NUDES! I named this piece “short legged” because this man’s legs aren’t as long as they technically should be.

color drawing of a nude man with spikes sprouting from his skull and shoulders
short legged, color

Look at all those weird shard/spike things in the background. What was I doing??? Who knows. I think at this point I’m starting to understand anatomy a little better (aside from the short legs).

black & white drawing of a woman with the top half of her head floating away
shred me to pieces, b&w

Gah! Another one of those where I had something so elaborate planned, and I just missed the mark. I think the one thing that really could have saved this drawing would have been a better understanding of how I wanted the top half of her head to flow away from the bottom half. It looks like a jumbled mess, and doesn’t make sense.

color drawing of a woman with the top half of her head floating away
shred me to pieces, color

Does adding color save it? Not really. Especially with her legs, because the marker was running dry! If anyone has any recommendations for the best markers ever, please let me know, because I feel like they always dry up so quickly. It’s frustrating!

black and white drawing of a woman with a distorted skull and shoulders
wishful thinking meets internal decay, b&w

Totally one of my favorite drawings of this year. Do I say that every week about a piece? Probably. I just love the expression on her face, and the lack of… body parts, I guess. You know me, always amputating and distorting limbs!… in drawings, not real life, people.

color drawing of a woman with a distorted skull and shoulders
wishful thinking meets internal decay, color

And I don’t think I ruined it with color! This piece is so simple, but I think it works.

black and white drawing of a woman with a venus fly trap for a head
recluse, b&w

What happens when a venus fly trap eats you?! Gotta love carnivorous plants.

color drawing of a woman with a venus fly trap for a head
recluse, color

Meh. I give this one… a C+? It’s not terrible, but it’s nothing incredible, either.

black and white drawing of a woman with cut marks all over her body
stripping flesh, b&w

When I was drawing this, I wanted her to have all sorts of flesh wounds on her body, but as the drawing went along it started morphing into something where the flesh wounds were actually leaving her body. I quite like the outcome.

color drawing of a woman with cut marks all over her body
stripping flesh, color

Not super strong, but I like this one a lot.

Which one’s did you all like this week, if any? Let me know! Shoot me a message via my contact page, or DM me on instagram. For real… if anyone is reading this, reach out haha. I feel like I’m just reaching out into a dark abyss of nothingness.