Heyo! This week’s posts will be drawings from February 14th – 20th of 2020. Let’s take a look!

I don’t often dive into foreshortening – perhaps something I should try and look a little bit more into. I think despite my lack of study, this one worked out pretty decently. The model’s torso should be a little more tucked back, and I think her back leg isn’t angled quite properly, but otherwise it’s looking okay.

I think this is one of those drawings where adding color didn’t really add anything incredible to the piece. Sure – she’s got flesh tone, now, and perhaps is a little bit more three dimensional, but otherwise it’s nothing remarkable.

I unfortunately didn’t have the black and white version of this piece saved. In looking at this piece, I think generally the proportions are working below the neck, but her face isn’t lined up well at all. If you look closely at her face, you might notice her lips are super out of line with her nose and eyes. There should be some semblance of symmetry, and that’s not really reflected here. I do like the strange fantastical flower growing out of her skull, though!

I love when these scans pick up on the pencil lines that I hadn’t yet erased. It looks so cool, to me. I like showing the inner workings of a piece. My underlying sketches don’t have the strongest lines, they aren’t super confident while I rough out the skeleton of what the drawing will look like.

I really like the addition of color to this one. In general, I think this is such a cool drawing. The look on her face is ominous, which makes sense since she does have a giant spider crawling out of her skull!

I think the movement of this sketch worked really well. I feel like there’s a solid flow running from the top of her hat to the lowest petals.

I think this drawing is a great example of how color can significantly change a drawing. For the clothing and the flower petals, not much has changed, but looking at her face, I think the addition of color really manipulated the shape. She somehow looks softer in color, like it softened the edges.

Once again, I forgot to take a black and white picture. Whoops! This drawing is sort of a wash for me. I screwed up when drawing the perspective of her head/hat, and it shows. I do love the reddish-purple skin tone, but nothing much else to say about this piece.

More spiders. I really love this model’s pose, and I think I was able to translate it well onto paper.

And… sometimes adding color doesn’t go too well. This was one of those cases. I was trying to color in what looked like tights, but it just doesn’t really look good. No big deal.
That’s it for this week’s post! I hope you’ve enjoyed them. I think I’ve said it before, but in the next few weeks, I start getting into work that I’m a lot more proud of, so stay tuned! These drawings were from February 14th through the 20th of 2020.
If you’ve liked this week’s drawings, be sure to check out last week’s posts, or even my instagram if you feel so inclined.