
Serpents, Spikes, and Cow-Man: April 14th to April 20th

In this week’s post, we’ll be looking at serpents, spikes, a cow-man, and more. As is tradition, I’ll be sharing the WIP images as well as colored. The one exception is the lady who is stretching – I had actually done a timelapse of that drawing that you can find on my instagram.

At this phase in my drawing exploration, I think I’ve started to understand the human body better. Poses and concepts that were once confusing to me are starting to make more sense, bodies are starting to feel more three dimensional.

I think one drawing that really surprised me was the cow-man (Aiden). I don’t often draw animals, but my friend requested it and I decided to challenge myself and oblige him. I was really happy with how the cow part came out – less so the human parts.

After cow-man, I decided to draw another animal – a snake! I think that one looks really lovely too and is definitely one of my stronger drawings leading up to this point.

As always, I’m constantly trying to figure out what my style is, what I want to explore thematically, and this week’s share feels all over the place. I try to explore a lot of different things, but nothing feels particularly consistent. I think that’s part of the fun about art, for me. I’m still learning, I’m still exploring. I don’t know what I want to say yet, so I end up saying a lot of things… or maybe nothing at all.

Regardless – I’m going to keep drawing.

I hope you enjoy these pieces and please feel free to write me on instagram or contact me here with any questions, concerns, or interest.

Have fun!

black & white drawing of a woman with her back turned to the viewer, spikes sprouting from her spine, skull, and hips
back it up, you ain’t nobody, b&w
color drawing of a woman with her back turned to the viewer, spikes sprouting from her spine, skull, and hips
back it up, you ain’t nobody, color
black and white drawing of a woman with petals and leaves growing from her shoulders and a strangely distorted head-shape
give me your soul, bixch, b&w
color drawing of a woman with petals and leaves growing from her shoulders and a strangely distorted head-shape
give me your soul, bixch, color
black and white drawing of a half man, half cow, holding weights
aiden, b&w
color drawing of a half man, half cow, holding weights
aiden, color
black and white drawing of a naked man laying down, a serpent crawling out of his skull
serpentine thoughts, b&w
color drawing of a naked man laying down, a serpent crawling out of his skull
serpentine thoughts, color
color drawing of a woman stretching, her skull distorted and strange
skin queen, color
black & white outlines of a man and woman looking at one another
could you love me, b&w
color outlines of a man and woman looking at one another
could you love me, color
black and white drawing of a 1950s woman smoking a cigarette
get me out of this dreadful town, b&w
color drawing of a 1950s woman smoking a cigarette
get me out of this dreadful town, color